Thursday, August 28, 2008

Goodbye Laundromat

The HoodLims are ghetto fabulous. For the past year, we have been going to the laundromat in our local run down suburban shopping center to do our laundry. We originally started by both washing AND drying at the laundromat. Then, around last Thanksgiving, a friend gave us her old washer and dryer set. Only, the washing machine was broken (which she told us about), and we never were able to get it going again. As a result, we did our washing at the laundromat, but took our wet clothes home to dry. Yes, ghetto fabulous.

Today we bought this Whirlpool Steam Washer and Dryer set from Lowes!

Here they are (we bought ours in white for much less):

We purchased it for less than the online price (the in-store price was at least $100 cheaper), PLUS 10% off for their Labor Day sale, PLUS 10% off for our change of address coupon! AND we got free delivery, and on our receipt we got something like $50 off of a purchase of $100. I am not sure on the exact price, but considering we are dropping about $200 a week at Lowes, I don't think that will be too hard to do.

If you need an appliance, this is a great week to do it at Lowes! They are even offering free installation prices!

I am looking forward to being able to my laundry without having to load up the car with two overflowing baskets, one giant tub of detergent, and a huge bottle of bleach!

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