Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gardening Fun

Back in the winter, we decided to start growing some vegetables from seed.

You may recall this:

Then we put them into our garden bed outside. We used a method called "Square Foot Gardening", which divides your plots into 1 square foot areas (as opposed to rows). You can read about more about Square Foot Gardening here

Here is the garden in the beginning stages:

After 3 careful months of growing, we had our first crop!

We harvested some Swiss chard and spinach for dinner the other night, along with lettuce for a salad, hence some bald spots.

Andrew is digging a trench for irrigation:


Carrots with chives in the background...I think it is time to harvest!


And a beautiful and healthy tomato plant growing in my compost bin! I can't wait to find out what kind it is:

In addition to all that, our avocado tree (which we thought was barren this season) rained down some manna on us:

Now it is time to plant tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and summer goodness. BTW, check out your local farmers market for some inexpensive veggie pots. We got a ton of tomatoes and squash for $1 each yesterday!