Remember our kitchen before? Probably not, because we intentionally would skip it on our house tour. Well anyway, we had a tiny little kitchen that was split into kitchen space and laundry space. By split, I mean with a nearly one foot thick wall in between. We had taken the laundry unit out of there and turned it into kitchen storage space, but it was still so cramped. Additionally, we had a dining room that had a wall with open windows in it. Yes, you read correctly. Windows. The original house ended in our dining room, with two windows that looked outside. Sometime ago, an answer decided to turn the back porch into an indoor back porch, and enclosed the little patio space outside of the house and made it an "inside". I think I will have to post pictures for you to get the idea, if I can even find any.
The original kitchen:

This one is taken from the laundry area of the kitchen:

The refrigerator that came with the house and the only one small enough to fit the cubby (you can see the thick wall to the laundry area here):

The dining room that with the windows and door enclosed in with the patio:

A shot of the patio to the dining room from a different angle:

All of that was torn down with the hard work of the HoodLim men:

You can see the space where it was divided up into the original kitchen and laundry area here:

The dining room with the patio area:

You can see the original roof line where it is so obvious that the patio was outdoors. The concrete floor was demolished to make room for a new one:

The plan is to lengthen the dining area, open up the dining room to the kitchen, add an island to the middle, and a desk by the side kitchen door. Basically we want an open kitchen area. More to come!