Friday, July 18, 2008


If you have been to our current place before, you probably know that we don't have a bed. Not only are we bedless, but we have no furniture whatsoever in our current room. Our rationale for this was that we didn't want to buy a bedroom set when we didn't know what size and shape our future bedroom was going to be.

Now that we know what our new bedroom looks like, we can start planning out our bedroom set. Here is a bed we like, the Quincy, from Ethan Allen. Now the question is, how can we get this bed for half the price?

I also found a chandelier I really loved from Home Depot:

Unfortunately, this chandelier is only being sold at Home Depot Canada. Argh! They have beautiful chandeliers at Home Depot Canada. It really seems quite unfair that our Northern neighbors get all the beautiful products while we are stuck with ugly lighting at our Home Depot.

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