Sunday, January 11, 2009

Composts and Gardens

So, we have been wanting to make a garden and a compost bin. If you don't already know, composting is a great way to reduce your trash and to make great soil for your garden. Basically, it is a bunch of natural stuff that decomposes and breaks down over time. We throw leaf litter and produce scraps in there, as well as any plants we are throwing out and coffee grounds. It is pretty neat to watch the pile reduce.

To find out what types of things you can throw into your compost bin, click here Composting 101

Here is our raised bed garden. We have put down tarp in there to act as a barrier from weeds and underground pests.

We got some seeds and started seedlings in the house. We have: mesclun, basil, eggplant, romaine lettuce, broccoli, swiss chard, jalapeno peppers, and bell peppers.

Here is a picture of the mini greenhouse:

Here are the little sprouts. The swiss chard is in the background with the red stalks, and the broccoli and romaine is in the foreground.

Pretty cool, eh?

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