Friday, September 19, 2008

Dshwashers and Dogs

Everything is going well so far. We installed the countertop and dishwasher, then had a little dinner party!

Here is what is looked like before...what you can't see is the nasty cracked tiles on the counter:

Here it is now, with the dishwasher in place of that big hole (we have patched up some of the drywall in the kitchen but we need to paint it:

Andrew had to cut out some of the cabinet to push the sink will be covered up at some point...or so he says.

He has also been busy inserting a dog door into our back room door:

Unfortunately, the door door isn't completely finished.

And here is the user of the dog door:

Pooped after a long walk

With her new friend

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Courtney Craig said...

Oh, I am so excited for you that you got to bring your husky back into your home. How fun!!!